Inspire others to support us in allievating the suffering of those in need. Empower those less fortunate by providing them with opportunities to grow and become self sufficient.


Keep overheads as low as possible – We have a 100% donation policy. All overheads are covered by contributions from comittee members and the reclaiming of Gift Aid.

Utilise expert local knowledge and experience – to ensure we deliver maximum value to our donors we specialise in a few core activites in areas where we have extensive knowledge about the needs of the communities that live there.

Sincerity and transparency in everything we do – Our work is performed in an honest and transparent manner, driven by a genuine desire to help humanity.

Compassion is what drives us – Everything we do is driven by our passion to help those who are less fortunate, inprove the lives of those that are needy and help protect and save lives.


Zam Zam Charitable Trust has been helping people in extreme poverty in Bangladesh for over 15 years.

With Allah’s blessings we have helped thousands of people, including those with serious medical illnesses, widows, those who are unemployed, homeless people and provided free education to orphans and underprivileged children. Alhamdulillah we have given these needy people some happiness and hope in their otherwise uncertain and difficult lives. Our work would not have been possible without the help and generous donations of hundreds of our kind-hearted donors. May Allah reward all those who give in charity abundantly both in this life and the hereafter.

Zam Zam’s presence continues to grow in Bangladesh where it has acquired a reputation for excellence. Zam Zam remains completely non-political, non-governmental and operates in accordance with Shari’ah principles. Zam Zam is not engaged in interest based micro financing. Our purpose is purely for the pleasure of Allah.

The founders of Zam Zam continue to provide significant on-going donations to the charity and give their time and effort to help the charity run effectively on a wholly voluntary basis.

At Zam Zam we employ highly quality staff in our offices in Bangladesh to ensure projects are run with maximum efficiency. Our operations are transparent and we have a 100% donation policy as all administrative costs are covered by the founding members of Zam Zam. Our accounts are audited by external bodies and we have systems in place to ensure donations can be tracked from the point of donation till expenditure.

Allah has reminded us numerous times about helping the poor, so we would like to appeal to everyone to come together and end poverty and hardships for our fellow brothers and sisters

I invite you to support me and my team in continuing to make Zam Zam Charitable Trust successful and grow it further so we can help even more needy people.

Moyeen Uddin Ahmed Chowdhury
Zam Zam Charitable Trust